Foreword by Dan Duke
I suppose there is nothing more feared in our modern culture than a diagnosis of cancer!One would be hard-pressed to find even a single family that had not suffered the terrible and painful loss of a friend or loved one due to that ruthless disease. Millions of wonderful people, and thousands of children die each year from its cruel grasp. The very mention of the disease implies a sentence of suffering and death!
However, once in a while we cross paths with someone who faced cancer, defeated it, overcame it, and lived to tell about it. Such is the amazing experience of my friend Diana Scates.
Diana is a lovely young professional woman who, in the prime of her life, was diagnosed with cancer. As you might expect the initial impact was devastating! However, she rose up to accept the challenge. It’s important to understand Diana accepted the challenge; she never accepted the cancer!
If you have the pleasure of meeting her, Diana would not impress you as a particularly “strong” woman. She’s tall and slender in a delicate sort of way, very soft spoken, and polite. But beneath that soft feminine exterior lies a warrior’s heart. She desperately wanted to live and was willing to face the greatest battle of her life and do whatever was necessary to make that happen.
This book is the record of Diana’s journey of decision, determination, discipline, sacrifice, and most of all her faith. Diana wants her story told as a testimony of hope to all who may be facing cancer or any other life-threatening disease. She honestly believes because she fought and won you can fight and win.
Diana’s Journey
- The Provision to My Journey
- God Is in Control of Everything All the Time
- The Results
- Healing Rain
- The Second Consequence of the Divine Encounter
- The Support Team Arrived!
- Second Chemo
- Dove’s Eyes
- Cheerful Heart
- Don’t Possess Diseases
- Dealing with Fear
- Resting Place without Striving
- The Blood That Heals
- The End of Chemotherapy
- The Last Part of the Treatment – Mercy
- Final Message
- Prayer for Healing
The Author
Publication Information
ISBN-13: 978-1-732439009
Paperback: 118 pages
Publication: First Edition in 2018;
Available in: English and Portuguese
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